
We have acquired professional experiences and knowledge inside and outside educational institutions, being more satisfactory when there was a balance and influence between both contexts: Life and Academia -InOutPractice-.

Professor at the University of Malaga (UMA), (Spain). I have been Vice Rector of Virtual Campus and Educational Innovation at the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) 2019-2023, where we coordinated the construction of the Online Learning Model of Andalusia International (ELIA). Director of several university teacher training services at the University of Malaga (ICE -1994-98-, Educational Innovation Service -1998-2000-, Virtual Teaching -2000-2004-).

Experience as international advisor to the Distance Education System (SINED) and the Association of Rectors (ANUIES) in Mexico. Awarded with the "Orden de Puerto Ayacucho" for the projects developed in Amazonas (Venezuela) financed by AECID (Spain) and European R&D Projects. External evaluator in several evaluation agencies ANEP and other Autonomous Communities. 

Director of the research group Globalization, Technology, Education and Learning -GTEA- ( of the Junta de Andalucía (SEJ-462), directing R&D projects in national and international calls.

Erasmus research and teaching stays in other foreign universities: U. Harvard (USA), U. Stockholm (Sweden), U. Cologne (Germany), U. Colima and U. Guadalajara (Mexico).

Editor of the Practicum Journal and member of the Practicum Network: Association for the development of practicum and external practices (REPPE). 
